The Power of Visuals: Strategically Show How Your Product Fits into Your Customers' Lives

In this digital age, consumers are constantly being bombarded with content and advertisements, so standing out is harder - and more important - than ever before.

As a business, social media platforms are the biggest tools in your arsenal: they’re free to use; they can potentially reach a large audience; and they’re the best way to showcase your brand identity. 

The catch? People are tired of being advertised to. From commercials to online ads, consumers are tired of being told what to buy, and they can spot an advertisement a mile away. Consumers want authenticity, storytelling, and a lifestyle they can aspire to. So how can you - a business or brand - accomplish all of that on social media? 

In this blog post, we’ll look at how strategic photography - like this recent poolside shoot - can showcase your product in a way that feels natural and shows how your product seamlessly fits into your audience’s lives.

Storytelling through Imagery

An experienced and creative lifestyle photographer can help you create a narrative that visually shows the product in real-life scenarios. This makes it relatable and aspirational for potential customers. In this example, we created a summer pool party using models and local influencers. The poolside shoot helped create a visual connection between the distillery’s canned cocktails and the warm, easy feeling of summer you often feel relaxing by the pool.

Four people sit in a pool about to open a Noël Distillery canned cocktails. They are all smiling and enjoying the good vibes. Photo by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
You see a woman holding a Noël Distillery canned cocktail next to a pool. A group of friends are out of focus in the pool in the background. Photo by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.

Attention to Detail

Highlight the product by focusing on close-ups or dynamic angles that showcase its quality and design. This helps emphasize your branding - which helps with brand awareness - and visually sets your product apart from competitors.

Two hands cheers with Noël Distillery canned cocktails. A beautiful blue pool is out of focus in the background. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
The three Noël Distillery canned cocktails are placed next to a pool. A group of friends having fun is out of focus in the background. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
Closeup of two friends sitting in outdoor chairs, having a conversation with their Noël Distillery canned cocktails. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.

Capture the Essence of the Season

In a seasonal shoot, it’s important to use elements that emphasize the time of year, so the product will feel timely and relevant to your consumers’ current needs. Re-using images you took in the fall will not land with your target audience, as it won’t be authentic or relevant. For example, in this summer shoot: almost every image features the beautiful blue hue of the water; I included some pouring shots to emphasize how refreshing the cocktails are on a summer day; and models are wearing swimwear to visually convey the activity happening in the scene. 

A hand pours a Noël Distiller canned cocktail into a blue glass next to a pool. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
Two female friends sit in chairs next to a pool, each holding a Noël Distillery canned cocktail. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
Over the shoulder shot of a woman sitting looking at a pool while holding a Noël Distillery canned cocktail. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.

Consistency with Brand Identity

Finding the right lifestyle and brand photographer is as important as setting the perfect scene; every photographer’s style and editing is different. It’s important to find a photographer whose portfolio of work reflects the overall aesthetic you’re wanting to accomplish, making sure it also visually aligns with your brand’s overall aesthetic and messaging. This creates a cohesive brand image across all platforms.

A close up image of Noël Distillery canned cocktails lined up on a countertop, with the boxes out of focus behind them. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.
Noël Distillery canned cocktails sit in a cooler next to a pool. Photographed by Baton Rouge photographer Taylor Oliver of Tayrex Creative.

While finding the right photographer and getting the correct brand imagery is key, it’s equally important to ensure you pair your new images with a strong social media strategy. A dedicated social media manager can help you with this, but here are some quick tips:

  • User-Generated Content (UGC) - pair professional marketing photos with UGC-style content. This can either come from encouraging customers to share their own photos with your product (but ask for permission before sharing first!), or take some iPhone photos and videos on your own. This helps build the authenticity of your brand.

  • Seasonal Campaigns - it may seem costly to continue updating your brand photography and content with the seasons, but your relevant content will have a direct impact on sales. 

  • Storytelling in Posts: be sure to combine your strong visuals with concise, compelling narratives in your captions to engage your audience. Remember: they don’t want another ad. Tell them how your brand is different, why you care, and how it’s relatable.

Strong visuals and storytelling are the key to connecting your product with your consumers’ lives. Integrating your product into relatable scenarios create a strong connection that can go beyond aesthetics and have a direct impact on sales. Showcase your product, but also how it enhances everyday moments. If done well, these visuals turn potential buyers into loyal customers.

Tayrex Creative is Baton Rouge based and specializes in vibrant, true-to-color commercial photography for businesses that want to elevate their brand identity and improve their social media presence.

Taylor Oliver